Thursday, December 27, 2012

Review of Guide to NT Greek

Book Review

Douglas S. Huffman, THE HANDY GUIDE TO NEW TESTAMENT GREEK: GRAMMAR, SYNTAX, AND DIAGRAMMING, (Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, MI), 2012.

I must say I was surprised when I received this publication, as I was expecting a larger book. While the size of the publication is surprising, it is not small in content. Its size makes sense because it is a guidebook, able to be carried with a Greek New Testament.

I am delighted with this guide. I am not a Greek scholar, but I am a Bible student. While I have had Greek in college, like many Pastor I have not kept up with it beyond the occasional uses. I have worked with the language, which has entailed thick lexicons, grammars, and dictionaries to find meanings and syntax. This guide will help its users to save time. This guide does not relieve one from the necessity of having to use books for deep study. It is only a guide, but it does speed up the process. It will increase the students’ efficiency by a quick reference to find the needed basic information.

The guide is in three sections. Part 1 is Greek Grammar. Beginning with the Greek Alphabet carrying through the verbs, it gives a summation of Greek Grammar. Overall it gives good concise definitions of every part of grammar. It is reinforced by charts on almost every page.

Part 2 is Syntax Summaries. Syntax is where the language becomes real: it is the practical outworking or usage of the grammar. This will be the section that gets the most use by Bible students. This part gives us concise definitions and relationships reinforced by NT examples that are helpful. While not chart heavy like the grammar section, what charts are found are very helpful.

Part 3 is Phrase Diagramming. Diagramming the original text does two things: First, it aids in understanding the meaning of the text. Second, it gives one the flow of the argument of the author. It provides step by step instructions on different types of diagramming, plus how to deal with special issues and problems in diagramming.

This guide is a very good addition to any Pastor’s or Bible student’s library.  While it is intended for a second-year Greek student, those who even have a beginning knowledge of Greek could use it. It will set on my desk and be the first used to begin any word or Greek study. It is a handy addition.

Thanks to Kregel Publishing for supplying a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. 

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