Thursday, July 14, 2011

Antioch - Acts 11:26

Received the latest issue of BIBLIOTHECA SACRA. In it is a very good article on "The Significance of Acts 11:26 for the Church at Antioch and Today" by Stephen J. Strauss. Very good on how the term Christian came about and the significance of the church at Antioch. Especially interesting was his observations between the church at Antioch and the church today. He points to the following implications for the contemporary Church and Missiology. He notes:
  • The so-called homogenous unit cannot be the final goal for a church.
  • Many churches have sought a measure of homogeneity by establishing subcongregations that focus on a certain age-group,...language, or a certain worship style. While these may be legitimate...churches whose subcongregations are thoroughly homogeneous...must make special effort to find ways for the entire be recognized around their common identity as followers of Christ.
  • Perhaps the "people group" approach to church planting should be reexamined.
  • Scriptures affirm the multicultural, multiethnic church as a model of maturity, influence, and impact.
  • The primary identity of any church assembly should be its identification with Christ, not any particular sociological category.
  • Every local church should be characterized by its constant talk about Christ.
He concludes: "Acts 11:26 and the church at Antioch provide a model for church life and missions. Local churches should be diverse assemblies so identified as followers of Christ that outsiders cannot find any other socioethnic category by which to characterize them."

Stephen J. Strauss, "The Significance of Acts 11:26 for the Church at Antioch and Today," BIBLIOTHECA SACA #168, July-September 2011, 282-300.

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