Sunday, January 7, 2018

Devotions on John 001

JOHN 1:1-15

The focus of the Gospel of John is squarely on the Deity of Jesus. This is confirmed in the opening of John’s Gospel. It is unique in its perspective, unlike the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). John goes back to the beginning with the divine, not the earthly; the eternal not the temporal.

Christ is the word of God. Christ became the Word in the flesh. John brings out three truths:

1.      The revelation of the Word. 1:1-5. This word was eternal (v. 2). The Word was the agent creation (v. 3). The Word was life (v. 4), and He is the light that overcame darkness (v.5).

2.      The rejection of the Word (1:6-11). Key texts are verses 10—11. It speaks of being unwanted by His own people. The words “His own” is used twice, which denotes emphasis. There is a contrast between the two phrases, the first indicating who He came to; the other their reaction to His coming. The word translatedHis own” is the same word translated “his own home” (19:27).

3.      The reception of the Word (1:12-15). We are to receive Him. The equitant is the words “give the right” and “born;” both speak of the action that makes those who receive him, the children of God “He gave.” The verb gave means to bestow, or present. It is a bridge word that connects both to the words receive and right. Because they receive the Son He (God) gave them a right to be sons of God.

The question before us is if we are one who rejected or receiver of the truth. 

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