Friday, July 27, 2012

Bible Trivia #1


Here are some Bible Trivia questions. Can you answer them without looking up the answer in the Bible passage?

  1. Who said of Jesus, “Certainly this was a righteous man”?  (Luke 23:46-47)
  2. Who prayed the shortest prayer in the Bible? (Matthew 14:29-30).
  3. Who was the first mentioned as drinking wine? (Gen. 9:20-21)
  4. Who was called the Son of Encouragement? (Acts 4:36)
  5. How did Elijah travel to heaven? (2 Kings 2:11)
  6. Who are the first twins in the Bible (Gen. 25:24-26)
  7. What is the last enemy to be destroyed? (1 Cor. 15:26)
  8. Who was the angel that fought with the dragon? (Rev. 12:7)
  9. Who was the mother of King Solomon? (2 Sam. 12:24)
  10.  In what city was the Apostle Paul born? (Acts 9:11)

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