Thursday, February 2, 2012


Malachi 1:1-5

As we open the book of Malachi we are struck with his immediate declaration. There is no introduction; the prophet gets right to point. He declares: “The oracle of the word of the Lord to Israel through Malachi” (1:1). The phrase, “through Malachi” is literally, “by the hand of Malachi,” and reinforces authorship. As we look at the first oracle, he addresses certain things that the people of God struggle with. My purpose is not to give a detailed study of Malachi, but to point out things in this passage that we all deal with and need to be reminded of:

(1)   God loves us. The subject of the oracle is the love of God. God declares His love for His people: “I have loved you.” It is stated as a matter of fact. It is clearly stated; no elaboration is needed.

(2)   Complacency concerning God’s love can lead to blindness of His love. This is brought out by their reply to God’s statement. “How hast Thou loved us?   While the reply is not spoken, this is the attitude of the heart that God reads from the heart of His people. Love can be taken for granted, complacency sets in, and eventually blindness to that love. It works in every relationship. In every relationship we can take love for granted and eventually forget that it is there. Why? Our hearts are turned away from the object of our love by complacency and blindness.

(3)   God’s love to us is a choice. Love is a choice! In this passage God answers by reminding His people that His love for them was a choice. He chose Jacob, not Esau. While not going into the theological significance and implications, it is clear that Israel’s election is an example of God’s love for them, as it is us (cf. John 15:19; Eph. 1:4). Because of His choice to love, He is faithful to His people (cf. Jer. 31:2-3).

(4)   God reacts to our complacency and even blindness. He warns and disciplines. While Esau, who rejected God’s love, experienced God’s wrath. Israel experienced His discipline. “Whereas Judah’s devastation by the Babylonians had been a temporary situation, Edom would never return to their land” observes Clendenen (NAC: HAGGAI-MALACHI, 253).

This oracle of Malachi should speak to our heart as believers by reminding us of His love. It warns us against complacency and its danger. May it remind us we are chosen and loved. He is faithful!

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